Wednesday 30 September 2009

Reminder to myself:
Don't try to grow up too fast..Take it slow.. Jangan gelojoh

Monday 28 September 2009

Dendang Perantau

Azuwan, KFC, Raya ke-5 2009, Mega, Kuantan.

Sunday 20 September 2009



Selamat Harry Potter kepada smua, Maaf Zahir batin

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Jumping Jinglepots

everyone in position



lek luu...

get set.. GO!!!

Kesimpulannya, raya dah dekat..bak kate kanak2 "yea yea dah nak raye"..jom smua lompat skali!

-Gambar diambil di reunion 5SE 2009 di Teluk Tongkang, Kuantan.

-Wan Saiful
-Daeng Ayie
-Zaim Cute
-Wan Malas(jelly)
-Syafiq Hoki
-Mas Serap

Picture taken by -Saddam Bin Ladden

Friday 11 September 2009

Ape ni

"Kak, Radiohead ade??" enquired the curly haired boy curiously.

"jap eh, tanye counter" replied the blurry faced lady.

After a few, unmentionable seconds,

"takde ar, dah abis." she said sounding emotionally absent, accompanied by an empty expression on her visage.

The curly haired boy paused, took a deep breath of dissapointment and continued, "takpelah".

He then strode down the unoperating escalator and stepped into a another place.

"Hi..tumpang tanye...Radiohead ade?" said the boy again.

Abruptly, another person from behind the counter unhesitatedly said,
"Raytiohet ta' de"

The boy was somewhat vexed by the reply, and he uttered in his thoughts. "Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers ngan Lady Gaga mesti ade, tapi Radiohead takde, ape dah jadi ngan kedai CD skarang ni?"

Saturday 5 September 2009


Ku berhenti sambil berlari,
Ku sunyi sambil menyanyi
Ku tulis sambil melukis
Ku tebang sambil tertumbang
Ku menari bersama mentari
Ku lawan menentang awan
Ku terbenam sambil bersenam
Ku senyap bukan lenyap
Ku rugi tapi tak mati
Ku lewat tapi tak terlambat
Ku...koo ka choo!!!

"Ku lah eggman!
Merekalah eggman!
Aku lah Walrus.!" - The Beatles -

Wednesday 2 September 2009


taufiq 12.30am, Teluk Tongkang, Kuantan.